Monday, September 19, 2011

The 10 Deadly Sins of Leadership: Harvard Business experts chime in on the top worst leadership mistakes

Harvard Business recently held a symposium where they discussed what are the worst mistakes that leaders can make. I am calling these the 10 deadly sins of leadership. Thought leaders from Harvard, Google, Medtronic and Morgan Stanley all weigh in on what they believe are the greatest mistakes (or attributes) a true great leader needs to avoid (or pursue).
  1. Self Promotion
  2. Trust
  3. Being Certain
  4. Hypocrisy
  5. Vision
  6. Personal Arrogance
  7. Speed
  8. Something Bigger
  9. Authenticity
  10. Self Reflection

Do you consider yourself a leader? What attributes do you believe you posses that make you a ‘leader’? What do you see in others that you recognize as great leadership….or not? Are leaders that make mistakes and get bad press about it be considered any less, or more, of a great leader than others? What advice or key insight on being great leader would you provide to our trailblazers of today?

On a personal note, individual reflection is a good habit to put into practice. I encourage you to carve out time regularly to reflect on your recent activities, both personal and professional, and measure our actions against your own internal compass. Whether during quiet meditation, prayer time, a nature walk without plugging into your mp3 player , your blog or perhaps yoga, whatever medium or method you choose to recharge your batteries is a good time to complete this exercise. When you true up your actions to your compass, it will help you to stay on the path of ongoing excellence and authenticity.

1 comment:

  1. Timely follow up - Edgy but insightful blog post from Dan Waldschmidt.
